Guide on how to interpret and decode Broaster Equipment Serial Numbers
A Serial Number on a Broaster piece of Equipment is a very powerful and useful tool. With this number you can tell how it was shipped from the factory like the age of a unit, if it's gas or electric, the controller type and all other important info. But, how do you read it?
What type of unit are you looking at?
Broaster Deli Case
Broaster 765 Portable Filter
Broaster 620 Breader
If you aren't sure, the first few letters can tell us:
E1 or G1 = Broaster Pressure Fryer with Mechanical Controller
S or T = Broaster Pressure Fryer with SmartTouch or Solid State Controller
EG or EE = Broaster E-Series Pressure Fryer
VF = Broaster Ventless Fryer
BD = Broaster Deli-Case
765 = Broaster 765 Portable Filter
620 = Broaster 620 Breader
Now that you've identified the unit, click on the corresponding link above.
Some units, like the Smokaroma (formerly Bar-B-Q Boss) and Instant Burger simply have a 6 digit number that does not have a key that is needed to reference.
If your serial number does not align with the sequences above, check to make sure that the unit was manufactured by Broaster Company.